
分析粉絲團 地表最強國文課沒有之一 貼文


library(Rfacebook, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(NLP, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(rvest, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Attaching package: 'ggplot2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:NLP':
##     annotate
## Attaching package: 'plotly'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     last_plot
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
##     arrange, mutate, rename, summarise
## The following object is masked from 'package:httr':
##     config
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     layout
page.id = "356452464550780"
page = getPage(page.id, token, n = 100)
## 25 posts 50 posts 75 posts 100 posts
docs = Corpus(VectorSource(as.character(page[,3])))
toSpace = content_transformer(function(x,pattern){
  return (gsub(pattern," ",x))

docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "※")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "◆")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "‧")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "的")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "我")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "也")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "他")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "是")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "就")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "你")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "啊")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "嗎")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "啦")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "要")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "有")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "及")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "了")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "在")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "但")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "都")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "哈")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "不")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "與")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "什麼")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "一個")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "們")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "這")
docs <- tm_map(docs, toSpace, "[a-zA-Z]")
docs <- tm_map(docs, removePunctuation)
docs <- tm_map(docs, removeNumbers)
docs <- tm_map(docs, stripWhitespace)
mixseg = worker()
segment = c("中文","語文","國文")
## [1] TRUE


由於貼主是個國文老師 我們以學生為相關字 差尋相關性超過0.6的字詞

seg = lapply(docs, jieba_tokenizer)
freqFrame = as.data.frame(table(unlist(seg)))

d.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(seg))
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(d.corpus, 
                          control = list(wordLengths = c(1, Inf)))

labor = findAssocs(tdm, "學生", 0.6)
## $學生
##   思考   檢視     力     去   別人   典範   學習     出   預期   再來 
##   0.78   0.72   0.70   0.69   0.69   0.68   0.67   0.66   0.66   0.65 
##     好   課堂     些   足以   草率   評價   實則   學子   好些   自覺 
##   0.64   0.64   0.63   0.63   0.63   0.63   0.63   0.63   0.61   0.61 
##   上來   苦心   幾番     將 主\xc6 
##   0.61   0.61   0.61   0.60   0.60

由結果可以推測他認為學生應具備思考的能力 有學習的典範

N = tdm$ncol
tf <- apply(tdm, 2, sum)
idfCal <- function(word_doc)
  log2( N / nnzero(word_doc) ) 
idf <- apply(tdm, 1, idfCal)

doc.tfidf <- as.matrix(tdm)
for(x in 1:nrow(tdm))
  for(y in 1:ncol(tdm))
    doc.tfidf[x,y] <- (doc.tfidf[x,y] / tf[y]) * idf[x]
topID = lapply(rownames(as.data.frame(labor)), function(x) 
  which(rownames(tdm) == x))
topID = unlist(topID)
plot_ly(data = as.data.frame(doc.tfidf),
        x = as.numeric(colnames(doc.tfidf)),
        y = doc.tfidf[topID[6],], 
        name = rownames(doc.tfidf)[topID[6]],
        type = "scatter", mode= "box") %>%
  add_trace(y = doc.tfidf[topID[7],],
            name = rownames(doc.tfidf)[topID[7]])

再以典範與學習做關鍵字 可看出72與29篇同時談到學習與典範 學習則是單獨出現在7 13篇 典範在56篇

nonzero = (doc.tfidf != rep(0,11))
## Warning in doc.tfidf != rep(0, 11): 較長的物件長度並非較短物件長度的倍數
nonzeroid = which(row_sums(nonzero) != 0)
q <- rownames(doc.tfidf[nonzeroid,])
all.term <- rownames(doc.tfidf)
loc <- which(all.term %in% q)
s.tdm <- doc.tfidf[loc,]

cos.sim <- function(x, y)
  (as.vector(x) %*% as.vector(y)) / (norm(as.matrix(x)) * norm(y)) 

doc.cos <- apply(s.tdm[,1:100], 2, cos.sim,
orderDoc <- doc.cos[order(doc.cos, decreasing = TRUE)]
plot_ly(data = as.data.frame(orderDoc),
        x = rownames(as.data.frame(orderDoc)),
        y = orderDoc, 
        name = rownames(doc.tfidf)[topID[1]],
        type = "bar", mode= "box")
## Warning: 'bar' objects don't have these attributes: 'mode'
## Valid attributes include:
## 'type', 'visible', 'showlegend', 'legendgroup', 'opacity', 'name', 'uid', 'ids', 'customdata', 'hoverinfo', 'hoverlabel', 'stream', 'x', 'x0', 'dx', 'y', 'y0', 'dy', 'text', 'hovertext', 'textposition', 'textfont', 'insidetextfont', 'outsidetextfont', 'orientation', 'base', 'offset', 'width', 'marker', 'r', 't', 'error_y', 'error_x', '_deprecated', 'xaxis', 'yaxis', 'xcalendar', 'ycalendar', 'idssrc', 'customdatasrc', 'hoverinfosrc', 'xsrc', 'ysrc', 'textsrc', 'hovertextsrc', 'textpositionsrc', 'basesrc', 'offsetsrc', 'widthsrc', 'rsrc', 'tsrc', 'key', 'set', 'frame', 'transforms', '_isNestedKey', '_isSimpleKey', '_isGraticule'

其實我對於這個分析還有些問題想問 參考過別的同學的範例之後發現 好像最後一篇的質方徒都會特別長 不知道為甚麼


kmeansOut <- kmeans(doc.tfidf, 2, nstart = 50)
plot(doc.tfidf, col =(kmeansOut$cluster +1) , main = "k-means 圖", pch=20, cex=1)

testtfidf = doc.tfidf
tfidf.pca = prcomp(testtfidf)
## Warning in plot.window(...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in plot.xy(xy, type, ...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "color" 不是一
## 個繪圖參數

## Warning in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...): "color" 不是一
## 個繪圖參數
## Warning in box(...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in title(...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in text.default(x, xlabs, cex = cex[1L], col = col[1L], ...):
## "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in plot.window(...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in plot.xy(xy, type, ...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in title(...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in axis(3, col = col[2L], ...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in axis(4, col = col[2L], ...): "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in text.default(y, labels = ylabs, cex = cex[2L], col = col[2L], :
## "color" 不是一個繪圖參數
## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

## Warning in arrows(0, 0, y[, 1L] * 0.8, y[, 2L] * 0.8, col = col[2L], length
## = arrow.len): zero-length arrow is of indeterminate angle and so skipped

I actually do not know what it means?